Categories: Adoption

4 Effective ways to find adoption agencies near you.

If you are planning to adopt a baby soonest, one of the things that will occupy your mind is how to find adoption agencies near you to work with. You can not go through the adoption process alone, so you need a professional to help you, that’s where the adoption agency comes in.

The truth also is that the adoption agency you choose will to a great length determine the results of your adoption process, this is because the adoption agency knows the ins and outs of adoption and how to effectively go through it without any hitches.

The adoption agency is there to work on your behalf, to help you go through the rigorous adoption process. For that reason, you must look for an agency that is capable of doing what you want. You need an agency you can trust and you need agencies near you. If you don’t know how to find an agency that possesses those qualities I mentioned then I have good news for you.

In this post, I will show you the proper ways to find adoption agencies near you, and how to get the best to work with.

Let’s dive in.

Search For adoption agencies near you.

Before I show you how to find adoption agencies near you, I will first of all show you the different types of adoption agencies you can choose from, which depends on the type of adoption you choose.

There are 5 different types of adoption. We will be discussing those types of adoption in this sectionon.

Types Of Adoption.

  • Adopting a baby through the child welfare system:- Child welfare system (also known as foster care) is a system where a child is adopted from the custody of the state or the foster care. Most children found themselves in a foster home when they are abused, dumped, or abandoned by their parents. The child will then be taken to foster care after the parent’s rights have been terminated. They are then be placed for adoption.
  • Private Adoption (independent adoption):- This is the type of adoption procedure in which the child’s family or birth parent chooses adoptive parents and the place where their child will be adopted to. The custody of the child is directly transferred between the parents and not the adoption agency. However, most states don’t support this type of adoption.
  • International Adoption: This is the act Of adopting a baby from another country that is not yours. Adopting a child internationally is somehow complicated because you must satisfy hot the state laws and the host countries’ laws. You’ll also need to get an immigrant visa for the child for adoption. This makes the process overwhelming to the prospective adoptive parents.
  • Relationship or Kingship Adoption:- In this type of adoption, you find people adopting the members of their families because their parents can’t take care of them anymore. An example of this type of adoption is an uncle adopting his nice, or mother adopting his brother’s child.
  • Adult Adoption:- Adult adoption may funny to be included in my list, but it happens. It is when an adult is adopted from the foster home.

Now that you know the types of adoption, it will be good to learn what adoption agency that works better with each adoption. After that then will go straight to how to find adoption agencies near you


Types Of Adoption Agencies:-

The Local Adoption Agencies: the local adoption agencies are licensed organization that provides services to their clients that are located in a specific area, perhaps within the territory of an individual state. The organization specializes in helping adoptive parents seeking a domestic adoption.

National Adoption Agencies: The national adoption agencies are the organization licensed in many States, and they can also work across the country. They are licensed to work with birth parents and adoptive parents in any state. They have many workers and their waiting time is relatively low.

International Adoption Agencies: the International adoption agencies as the name implies are licensed organization that helps adoptive parents who choose to adopt a baby from another country. Typically, they understand the adoption laws of different countries across the globe. However, they must be Hague accredited to work internationally.

Ways to find adoption agencies near you.

InTop view shot of young designers discussing the color palette. Creative team brainstorming around table working together on new project.

It is time to look at how you can find adoption agencies near you to help you have a smooth adoption journey. Pay close attention to this section.

1) Select Which Type Of Adoption You Want:-

Your first step to finding adoption agencies near you is to decide which adoption type is good for you. Taking this decision will help you choose which adoption agency is suitable for it.

Remember that we have discussed the types of agencies previously. That will help you decide which best suits your decision. For example, if you decide to go through domestic adoption, your first point of call should be to see local or national agencies.

Before you make your final decision on which adoption professionals to choose, consider the disadvantages and the advantages of each one you choose. Secondly, if you chose to adopt from another country, you should be looking to see international adoption agencies. Also, check the advantages and the disadvantages too.

2) Which Adoption Agency Is Best For The Type Of Adoption You Choose?

If you have chosen the type of adoption to go through, your next step should be to research which adoption agency is best for it. The best way to go is to search google for professional agencies near you. You will find many answers from the search engine, but don’t be in a haste to choose until you verify all you have read with a professional before making your final choices.

3) Ask Your Friends And Families:-

Searching the internet to find adoption agencies near you is good, but the best is to ask your friends and family member who you know have gone through adoption before. These people will be ready to tell you what worked or did not work.

Although it may not be convenient for you to let the whole world know your plans to adopt a baby, that is almost the best Step to find adoption agencies near you to help you go through adoption processes without much stress.

Because these people have gone through the process with adoption agencies, they will be able to tell the best adoption agency to work with.

4) Contact The Agencies:-

Cropped image of happy girl using smartphone device while chilling at home

Another step you will take to find adoption agencies near you is to contact the agencies one by one. During your search on the internet, or from your friends, you may have gotten so many contacts of adoption agencies. You will not stop there; pick up your phone and start contacting them one after the other.

Ask them questions about their credibility in helping people adopt. Ask as many questions as you can. Remember that the adoption agency you choose will determine the outcome of your adoption processes.

Asking them questions will help you determine the agency that has your succeeds in mind, and who can be in the better position to help you get what you want. You can write your questions down so you don’t forget your most pressing question, and write your answers down so you can refer to them when the need be.

Below are the checklist of the questions to ask the agency.

  • Ask the kind of pre-adoption training and education they provide, the kind of support they offer to prospective birth mothers and other women who want to adopt.
  • Also, ask them about the type of adoption advertising they offer.
  • Is there any support to get after adoption?
  • How are you going to be screened as adoptive parents?
  • Is counseling free for you as adoptive parents?

Why You Must Find Adoption Agencies Near You:-

One reason you must find adoption agency near you is to reduce the stress that comes with adoption. Adoption takes time and completing the adoption home study takes more time than other things.

Choosing an agency near you means you don’t have to travel to far places for interviews and home study. It will also help your adoption processing time to reduce drastically.


Whether you like it or not, you must use an adoption agency to help you during your adoption journey, and there is a need to choose an adoption agency that can work effectively and save you some stress.

Check out the article to find the appropriate ways to find adoption agencies near you. You will also read the type of questions you can ask the agencies to know if they are truly ready qualified to help you. Find out also the best ways to research the agencies, types of adoption, and the agencies that are suitable for each adoption type you choose.


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