Categories: Adoption

Transracial adoption definition: 15 exclusive things to note now.

What is transcranial adoption? How can one successfully go through transracial adoption? If these questions are going on in your mind, congratulations, because In this post, I will answer the questions one after the other, stating the transracial adoption definition.

Let’s dive in.

What Is Transracial Adoption? ( Transracial adoption definition)

Transracial adoption is the same as interracial adoption, and it is the type of adoption where a child from another race or ethnicity is being adopted by adoptive parents from another different race or ethnicity too.

But note that transracial adoption is different from international adoption or interracial adoption. They are very different from each other, however, adoption in some circumstances can be international, interracial, or intercultural.

Transracial Adoption Definition One

History Of Interracial Adoption.

a color before world war 2, no white man want to have anything to do with adopting any child of a different race or ethnicity. They prefer to match only the child with the same skin color and religion as the adoptive parent.

Meanwhile, in the year 1944, the “boys and girls Aids society” took it upon themselves to make sure that children from countries like Asian American, African American heritage, and Native Americans were placed outside their racial groups.

Operation brown baby was the name given to the boys and girls campaign, and their motive was to find homes for adoptive babies anywhere, irrespective of their race and ethnicity.

The name of the first candidate for the first interracial adoption was Noah Runner. He was adopted in 1947 from China, into a Caucasian family.

From 1968 to 1972 about fifty thousand (50,000) biracial and black children were adopted by white adoptive families.

In the same 1972 Interracial adoption was greatly challenged, which brought a drop in the total number of interracial placements. Presently, as much as some adoption agencies may prefer to consider the race of a child during placement, it doesn’t work.

This is because the Interethnic Placement Act of 1996 and Multiethnic Placement Act of 1994 have prohibited them ( the agencies) from delaying or refusing placements because of race or ethnicity.

Transracial Adoption Definition Two

When Did Interracial Adoption Became Legal?

The law guiding interracial adoption was enacted in the year 1994. Howard M. Metzenbaum Multiethnic Placement Act (MEPA) prohibits any agency that is involved in adoptive parents or Foster care placement and who also receives; also receives funds from the government for delaying or refusing a child’s placement based on race, color as well as national origin.

To strengthen compliance with the Acts, the law was amended in 1996, and with an interethnic adoption provision which is also known as the “ethnic placement act.”

This act prohibits an adoption agency from delaying or refusing placement of a child just because of race or color. In 1997, another law was enacted. This is called the Adoption and Safe Family Acts (ASFA), this was to reduce the time a child stays in Foster care.

It also helped to reduce instability and abuse in the foster care system.

Transracial Adoption Definition. Three

Transracial Adoption Pros And Cons-

Before you step out to engage in an interracial adoption, your first step should be to investigate the subject matter; to know if it is right or wrong for you. Earlier, you have learned the transracial adoption definition and other things about transracial adoption. Now, pay more attention as I share the pros and cons of transracial adoption.

Transracial adoption is an interesting thing, but it has its unique challenges as well; so knowing the good and bad sides of this type of adoption will help you make your choice fast.

Let’s go.

Pros Of Transracial adooption

  • A Loving Home For The Child:- Any type of adoption, whether ordinary adoption, foster care adoption or interracial adoption provides an opportunity for homeless children to be placed in a loving home. The birth family takes their time to find a good home for their adoptable child, without minding if the adoptive partner is from a different race or ethnicity.
  • No Secret:- You won’t need to start answering questions in the future about how, where, and when you adopted your child; the different skin and the voice tone are there to answer the questions for you.
  • Learn New Culture:- When you welcome a child from a different race into your home, the child will be exposed to learn your culture. It is also good to let your baby know where he/she came from. That will keep the baby bonded to you. Taking time to converse with the child about the background helps them to grow with love. The best of it all is that both you and the child automatically understand that you were of different cultures.
  • Social Acceptance:- Interracial adoption has provided opportunities for people to have relatives all over the world. That means when you adopt a baby from an African country, automatically you have new family members in that country.

Transracial Adoption Definition. Four

Cons Of Transracial Adoption

  • Everything Is Glaring- Once you adopted a child from another race, nothing will be hidden about it. Particularly when you have a different skin color than your baby. In a country where racism is still at its peak, you will have a big challenge defending your child.
  • Risk Of Loss Of Culture- Adopting a baby to another race and culture means that the child would have forgotten his/her culture by the time he is older. That means the culture has been thrown away.
  • Bullying Begins: The child with a different look, skin color and different voice tone can receive negative comments from/her peers. Interracial adoption will expose your child to that type of comment and it can also result in fighting and bullying.
  • Isolation:- There is a tendency that your adopted child will feel isolated as he/she matures in age. This will happen when they finally found out that they are very different from the rest of the family. This can be avoided if you were open to the child about the adoption from the first day. Take your child to a mental health professional if need be.

Transracial Adoption Definition. Five

Transracial adoptive family meaning/ transracial adoption examples:- What is a transracial family? This is a family which comprises one or more people from different races. That means that while the birth family is of a race or ethnicity, the adoptive parents are also from another race.

Many transracial families came about when an adoptive family decided to adopt a child from a different race. While it is good to adopt from your country, it is also better to adopt from another race too. You can also choose your child to grow up in another ethnic group or race.


In this post, I have talked about the interracial adoption definition and other things you need to know about that system of adoption. However, before you step out to begin the adoption process, here are my suggestions

  • Tell Your Family And Friends– Your first step should be to talk to your friends and your family about your new decisions: start with telling them how wonderful a multiracial family will be. From their reactions, you will know if they support your idea or not. Also, consider how your community will respond to such a decision too. If they value racism and cultural diversity then they are likely to accept your idea.
  • Look For someone to guide you on what you need to do.
  • Find role models and mentors for your adopted child.
  • Learn from people who have gone through the process; they will direct you.

I wish you the best as you take your steps to adopt your dream child. See you at the top.


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