Categories: Adoption

107 Exclusive adoptive parents quotes that will interest you.

Lemme show you some heartwarming adoptive parents quotes you will forever enjoy reading. They are interesting, full of encouragement and action to give you confidence when you are planning to adopt, and as a pat on the back when you are through with your adoption processes.

See, it is not easy to go through the adoption process, and it is not palatable when you are going through the home study; though there is joy unspeakable when you finally take your adopted child home. You need something that will cheer you up when you feel down and don’t want to continue anymore; you need something that reminds you how you have fought the good fight and worn.

Reading the Adoptive parents quotes is the exact thing you need at that moment and my encouragement too. As your adoption adviser(murphyaik), I have selected some most interesting adoptive parents quotes that you can use at those moments.

For all the admirers that are looking for what to say to the adoptive parent neighbor, sending some of the adoptive parents quotes will be your next option. If you are ready for these heartwarming adoptive parents quotes,then

Let’s dive in.

157 Exclusive adoptive parents quotes that will interest you.

1) “Being a parent wasn’t just about bearing a child. It was about bearing witness to its life.”

– Jodi Picoult

2) “Forget all the reasons why it won’t work and believe in the one reason why it will!”

3) “Good things come to those who wait. And better things come to those who work for it.”

4) “We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.”

Joseph Campbell

5) “Patience is not the ability to wait but to keep a good attitude while waiting.”

Joyce Meyer

6) “Motherhood is about celebrating the child you have not the child you thought you’d have.”

Joan Ryan

7) “You are not just waiting in vain. There is a purpose behind every delay.”

Mandy Hale

8) “Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother.”

Oprah Winfrey

9) “Life is lived in the waiting.”

Jonathan Lockwood Huie

10) “Life has many ways of testing a person’s will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen at once.”

Paul Coelho

Heartwarming Adoptive parents quotes.

11) “Whether your children are yours through biology or adoption, they are yours through love.”

Sadia Rebecca Rodriguez

12) “Somehow destiny comes into play. These children end up with you and you end up with them. It’s something quite magical.”

Nicole Kidman

13) “Adoption is not a birth-mother rejection but an unconditional love that inspires her to put herself last and do all she can for her baby.”

14) “I think adoption is a blessing all around when it’s done right.”

Hugh Jackman

15) “When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”

When Harry Met Sally

16) “Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.”

John Lennon

17) “The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.”

18) “Little souls find their way to you, whether they’re from your womb or someone else’s.”

Sheryl Crow

19) “Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.”

20) “Adoption is a commitment that you enter into blindly, but it is no different than adding a child by birth. It is essential that adopting parents are committed to making it work, committed to parenting this child for the rest of their lives and committed to parenting through the tough stuff.”

– Brooke Randolph

Adoptive Parents quotes when your are waiting

21) Every night I pray to God to keep you in his arms until I can hold you in mine.

22) “It’s not that I love waiting. I just love the person I’m waiting for.”

23) If a mother and father can love more than one child. Why is it so hard to understand that a child can love more than one mother and father?

24) “We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.”

Joseph Campbell

25) Because now I know what I have been waiting for. I know exactly why the other processes didn’t work. I know I was supposed to wait for this little girl.

26) I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.

27) “You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.”

28) “However motherhood comes to you, it’s a miracle.” 

Valerie Harper

29) “Sometimes the small things take up the most room in your heart.”

30) “Parenthood requires love, not DNA.”

Adoptive Parents Quotes When You Locate You, Adoptee.

31) “You are what happened when I wished upon a star.”

32) “He is mine in a way that he will never be hers, yet he is hers in a way that he will never be mine, and together we are motherhood.”

33) Now that I have seen you, I promise to love you with all my heart, my soul, and everything in me

34) Oh! Joy has filled my heart because in a few days from today I will take you home to where you belong

35) It took me time to find you, but it looks like just yesterday because I have finally found the one I love.

36) The time of waiting doesn’t matter much, what matters is that you are here.

37) “Everything you want is on the other side of fear.”

38) Of all the things I’ve held in my hands, the best by far, is you.

39) “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”.

Carl Sagan

30) From the risen of the sun to the going down the same, you have brought joy to my soul.

Adoptive Parents Quotes Of Love.

31) I am next in line to be a mother. Thank God that I found you.

32) We are the family that God just remembered and we have this beautiful child as proof.

33“We loved you before we knew you. Even when there was just hope for you we loved you.”

34) We have not seen her, not touched her, but we know that our pretty child is somewhere beautiful waiting to be taken home someday. Gradually we are reaching you because you mean the world to us.


35) “It’s amazing how such a little person can turn the whole world around.”

36) “Never give up on a dream because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass away.”

37) “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”

Walt Disney

38) I don’t care about what the Dr said, what I know is that my baby will come no matter how.


39) “Good things come to those who wait. And better things come to those who work for it.”

40) Trust him, be patient, someday you will look back and see all the tiny miracles that came your way during the wait.

Unique Adoptive Parents quotes.

41) “Being a parent wasn’t just about bearing a child. It was about bearing witness to its life.”

Jodi Picoult

42) “You’re off to great place, today is your day. Your mountain is waiting so get on your way.”

Dr. Seuss

43) Deciding to have a child – it is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ”

Elizabeth Stone.

44)  “Families don’t have to match. You don’t have to look like someone else to love them.

Leigh Anne Tuohy.

45) “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

Chinese Proverb

 46) “There’s a clock ticking on the pregnancy thing, but not a clock ticking on adoption.”

Aisha Tyler

47)  “Little souls find their way to you, whether they’re from your womb or someone else’s.”

Sheryl Crow

48) “The pain you’ve been feeling can’t compare to the joy that’s coming.”

– Romans 8:18.

49) “Strength doesn’t come from what you can do, it comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.”))

50) “I love a child I have yet to meet.”

Motivational Adoptive Parent Quotes.

51) “By choice, we have become a family, first in our hearts, and finally in breath and being. Great expectations are good; great experiences are better.”

Richard Fischer

52) “Not flesh of my flesh.

Not bone of my bone. But still miraculously my own.

And never forget for a minute.

You were not born under my heart.

You were born in my heart.


53) “My birth mother brought me into this world, but it was my adoptive parents who gave me life.”

Christina Romo

54) “When she looks in the mirror, we want our daughter to know herself. It’s hard to face the world when you don’t know where your face came from.”

Adoptive parents

55) Adopting one child won’t change the world: but for that child, the world will change.”


56) I am waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just around the corner. All is well.

– Henry Scott Holland

57) “We didn’t give you the gift of life. Life gave us the gift of you.”

58) The adoption was challenging – the LOVE arrived instantly.”


59) “I have four children. Two are adopted. I forget which two.”

Bob Constantine

60) “Adoption was a bumpy ride — very bumpy. But, God, was it worth the fight.”

Mariska Hargitay

What To Say To Adoptive Parents Quotes.

61) “Adoptive Mom? I am a Mom. I need no other label or prefix.”

Joanne Greco

62)  “My manner of thinking, so you say, cannot be approved. Do you suppose I care? A poor fool indeed is he who adopts a manner of thinking for others!”

63) In adoption a child is not given up. A Birth Mother gives life, a child a family, unconditional love. She gives a part of her heart that will never feel whole. She gives another mother a part of her heart that was always missing. An adoptive mother gives a life and family to this child. She gives unconditional love. She gives a part of her heart to another mother. Yes, give a lot- just never give up. 

– Tena Cooper

64) “People ask me. ‘What about gay adoptions? Interracial? Single Parent?’ I say. “Hey fine, as long as it works for the child and the family is responsible.” My big stand is this: Every child deserves a home and love. Period.”

Dave Thomas

65) “Never give up on something you can’t go a day without thinking about.”

66) “There are no unwanted children, just unfound families.”

The National Adoption Center

67) “Time and experience have taught me a priceless lesson: Any child you take for your own becomes your own if you give of yourself to that child. I have born two children and had seven others by adoption, and they are all my children, equally beloved and precious.”

Dale Evans

68) It was hard to wait for you to come, but the joy that you came surpassed the wait.


69) I am glad to be the latest mum.


70) in the meantime, you are all that brings joy to my life and my family


Amazing Adoptive Parents Quotes Of Love.

71) “They may not have my eyes, they may not have my smile, but they have all my heart.”


72) . There are times when the adoption process is exhausting and painful and makes you want to scream. But…so does childbirth.”

—Scott Simon

73) Adoption] carries the added dimension of connection not only to your own tribe but beyond, widening the scope of what constitutes love, ties, and family. It is the larger embrace.”

—Isabella Rossellini.

74) Adoption is not the call to have the perfect, rosy family. It is the call to give love, mercy, and patience.”

—Hope for Orphans

75) “Forget all the reasons why it won’t work and believe in the one reason why it will!”

76)  “There are young people having babies every day that can’t take care of them, and, as people who believe that every life is beautiful, we need to make them aware of another choice – to give that beautiful life up for adoption.”

77) “As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was going to happen.”

—Winnie the Pooh.

78) “You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.”

—Desmond Tutu

79) “He who can reach a child’s heart can reach the worlds heart.”

80)  “We should not be asking who this child belongs to, but who belongs to this child.”

-James L, Twitter.

Congratulatory Adoptive Parents Quotes.

81) “Families don’t have to match. You don’t have to look like someone else to love them.

Leigh Anne Tuohy

82) “The long journey of adoption finally comes to an end, and we cannot wait to see the beautiful baby in your home. Congratulations on your dream being fulfilled.”

83) “selflessness, love, and kindness through this adoption. May your beautiful family thrive with happiness in the future. Congratulation”

84) “I pray and hope you have the happiest life with your baby boy. Congratulations.”

85) You have finally received what you asked from God, may your joy never end. Congratulations!

85) “You adopting this boy and giving him home is so brave and selfless. I am so proud of you. Congratulations.”

86) Can’t wait to meet your son and pamper him. Congratulations on your adoption.

87) Your family is finally complete with the arrival of this beautiful girl. Congratulations.

88) I know how hard it’s been for you and how much love you have to give. I’m so pleased you’ve been able to adopt. Congratulations and wishing you so much happiness

89) I prayed for this child, and the Lord had granted me what I asked of him

– Bn 1:27

90) Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me

– Matthew 18:5

Birthmothers Adoption Quotes

91) “Adoption is another word for love.”

~ Unknown Author

92)  “Adoption: if a baby is not a blessing for you right now, let them be a blessing to someone else.” ~ Unknown Author

93) “Adoption is not a breaking of trust but a keeping of faith, not an abdication of responsibility but an act of redemption, not the abandonment of a baby but an abandonment of self for a baby’s sake.”

– Curtis Young

94) “Love is unselfishly choosing for another’s highest good.”

– C.S. Lewis

95) “A birth mother’s conviction and knowledge of what she feels is right is a force to be reckoned with.” –

Jessa Speight

96) “My baby girl got placed with the best family I could have ever imagined because [Texas Adoption Center] helped me. I could never thank them enough”

–Birth Mother “SA”

97) “Born not from our flesh, but born into our hearts. You were longed for, wanted and loved from the start.”

~ Unknown Author

98) “If you have the heart for adoption, don’t let fear stand in the way.” ~

Doug Chapman

99)  “Giving birth does not make her a mother. Placing a child for adoption does not make her less of one.” ~

Unknown Author

100) “The most important part of my adoption journey was realizing that my decision to place did not mean that I was not good enough. It was my circumstances, not my ability to mother, that made placement the right decision for me.”  

My Adoptive Parents Quote from Her.

101″I didn’t give you the gift of life. Life gave me the gift of you.”

102) You know your children are growing up when they stop asking where they came from and refuse to tell you where they’re going.”

103) Our family is like a big, beautiful patchwork quilt. Each of us different, yet stitched together by love.”

104) “If a mother and father can love more than one child, then why is it so hard to understand that a child can love more than one mother and father?”

105) “When you honor the birth family, you honor the child. When you don’t honor the birth family, the child will believe something is inherently wrong with him/her.”

106) “I felt more love for my baby than I had ever experienced before. But I found that the more I loved him, the more I wanted to find out what would be best for him throughout his entire life. The things I wanted most for him (a stable family with a mother and father, a home to live in, a mother who could stay at home with him, financial security, etc.) were things I could not provide. So it was because I loved him so much that I chose adoption.”

– Martina

107) Today I celebrate the day I became a Mother. I had a beautiful baby girl. I loved her with a love beyond my own abilities and comprehension. My love for her was a gift. It was the only thing that made it possible to place her into her loving parents’ arms just a short time later. Today, I will celebrate her. I will choose to remember it all: the amazing, the devastating, and the beautiful. Because for now, it’s the only gift I can give her.”

– Emily Cooper

In Conclusion:

Wow! I have done my best to select these 107 best adoptive parents quotes for you. It took me time to select these awesome adoptive parents quotes for you and I am sure you will love them.

Enjoy it and let me know which of them you enjoyed most.

See you at the top.

I am your adoption adviser, Murphyaik.



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