Categories: Adoption

International adoption: 7 Exclusive things you must know now.

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The first step to adopting a child successfully is to decide whether to adopt from your state, country, or another country. Adopting from another country is called International adoption while adopting from your country is called national or domestic adoption.

Deciding what type of adoption to go through will save you a lot of stress and time too. National adoption is somewhat easier and cheaper, unlike International or intercountry adoption.

What Is International Adoption?

International adoption or intercountry adoption is the act of adopting a child from another country that is not your country, through a permanent legal means, and after that, the child will stay with you in your country permanently.

The children are adopted from orphanages, and they are ready for adoption because their parents or birth mother are not capable of raising them due to emotional, legal, or financial issues.

The truth is that adopting a baby internationally can be exciting, complex, and rewarding at last, but you have to know the proper steps to take to have successful international adoption. In this post, you will learn everything you should about

  • international adoption.
  • International adoption costs.
  • International adoption Agencies.

Let’s dive in.

Things To Know About International Adoption:

1) Intercountry Adoption Has Declined

Due to so many reasons, adopting a child from another country has declined greatly. One of the main reasons for the decline is countries’ policy change. According to experts, in 2014 alone, the percentage of decline was 93%.hhhg

The latest reports from the National Council for adoption show that in 2019, the number of children adopted by American families from other countries fall was 2971, and as of the year 2021, it dropped to 1,622 which was caused by the pandemic.

Travel restrictions impeded many families from uniting with the adoptee from other countries especially in the 5 main countries where the adoptees are born. Those countries are Russia, China, South Korea, Ethiopia, and Guatemala. However, the greatest reason for the decline is that adopting a baby is not cheap, and international adoption is not cheap also.

There are so many explanations as to why adopting a baby from another country has declined drastically, but the most interesting explanation is that many Children now find happy and loving families in their respective countries and so there is no need to seek one outside.

However, ff your question is “can you adopt internationally right now, ” then the answer is yes. Get more information from the international adoption net.

2) Every Country Has Their Adoption Laws.

To begin an intercountry adoption process and finally take your adopted child home, it is good to know that different laws govern adoption in different countries. You must understand the laws, and most especially, you must understand the adoption law of the country you wish to adopt from.

As prospective adoptive parents wishing to adopt and bring a child into America, you must be versatile with all the requirements as established by both the (USCIS). US Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services, the child’s country, and sometimes the law of the residents of the adoptive family.

Below are some of the law requirements from any adoptive family who wishes to adopt internationally.

  • Hague Adoption Convention: This is international convection that deals with child trafficking, child laundering, and intercountry adoption. This convention provides common rules and regulations that ensure that all intercountry adoptions are done with the interest of the baby as number one.
  • Intercountry Adoption Acts- This is the act enacted to back up the vague convention. The chief goal of this act was to make sure that the Hague adoption convention was implemented in the United States in respect of international adoption.
  • The Child Citizen Act- This is the act that amends the nationality and the immigration act to provide automatic American citizenship to any child adopted from any country outside America. This is a very important act and every adoptive mum must know that before embarking on foreign adoption.

Other Adoption Laws Are About

close-up of toddler holding tight to daddy’s finger
  • Age Limits – Each country also has the maximum and minimum age limits for anyone who wants to adopt from there. In some cases also, the age differences between the adoptee and the adoptive parents are considered before adoption.
  • Income- As adoptive parents, you may be required by some country’s laws to have a Specific minimum income per month or year. Sometimes also, it may just show that you have a stable income.
  • Marital Status: Most countries will require that you must be married for some months, or years to be eligible to adopt a baby. Some don’t want same-sex couples or single parents.
  • Health History- Not all countries have certain health requirements. However, some countries will ask for your mental history, medical records, and more. So be ready to provide them.

3) The Cost Of International Adopt Can Be Different From That Of Domestic Adoption:-

The cost of international adoption and the cost of domestic adoption is nowhere close to each other. Each of them has its peculiar costs and expenses.

Here is what I mean: International adoption requires money and time for travel, but you don’t need those in domestic adoption. Meanwhile, you have a benefit not to pay the birth parents expenses when you are adopting internationally.

Below are some expenses you are likely to incur in international adoption

  • International adoption application form
  • Fees for passport and visa.
  • Orphanage donations
  • You will pay for translation and authentication of “dossier documents.”

The good thing is that the cost of your International adoption will depend on the adoption agency or professional you will use to process your adoption as well as the country you are adopting from, If you need more information, ask your adoption expert.

4) Handle Your Paperwork Carefully

As you are getting ready to adopt your baby from a foreign country, brace yourself up for some paperwork. You will be always working on some papers that will be sent to you called dossier.

The adoption dossier comprises all the important documents and paperwork which you’ll be compiling and sending to necessary adoption authorities. The information provided as you fill your dossier will to a great extent determine whether you are eligible to adopt or not.

Be careful as you how you handle the documents and make sure you provide all the required information to avoid unnecessary delays.

Below are the documents required for your adoption internationally.

  • “Application form to Adoption Agency.
  • “Divorce certificates.”
  • “Marriage certificate.”
  • “Application/Introduction letter to sending-country.”
  • “Mental health reports.”
  • “Employment information.”
  • “Medical forms.”
  • “Home assessment report (Home Study).”
  • “Background check reports.”
  • “Adoption agency license.”
  • “Passport copies.”
  • “Visa application.”
  • “Power of Attorney.”
  • “Birth certificates.”
  • “Reference letters.”
  • Pictures of your family and your home environment
  • Your bank statements
  • “Tax return copy.”
  • “Homeownership paperwork.”

Try to keep all the paperwork crucial and organized.

5) There is A Waiting Time-

This is almost the hardest part of the adoption. Now you are on the verge of taking your baby home, yet you still have so much time to wait for that day to come.

There are so many things that will affect your waiting time

  • You will wait for the country you are adopting from to process your application.
  • The number of children is available for adoption also causes a wait.
  • The number of applications.
  • You will also need to wait depending on the age and the need of the child approved for you to adopt.

Currently, you should be ready to wait for a long time when you are adopting a healthy young child, while the wait will less if you are adopting an older child or a special needs child /children.

countries for International adoption

6) Immigration Of Your Adopted Child To Your County

After adopting your child, you will need to take him/her back to your country. You will need the approval of the citizenship and immigration services. The Visas will be issued by the U.S. Department of State (DOS) at  consulate in the foreign country where your child resides or the embassy.

The type of Visa issued to your child will determine your next steps to acquire US citizenship for the child.

7) You Will Need International Adoption Agency To Help You.

To succeed in your International adoption journey, you will need the services of some organizations; the one you’ll need most is the adoption agency. When you have made up your mind about the country you will adopt from, your next step should be to an agency to work with from the Hague accredited agencies.

Only the Hague accredited agencies have the authority to help families through international adoption. The reason is to keep the children who are adopted internationally from being human trafficked, and also give them access to certifications and records.

When you have located the International adoption agency to help you through your adoption possess, then you are sure to get.

  • Complete guidance from your agency on what to do or not to do to have a stress-free and successful adoption process.
  • They will help you to get together your dossier.
  • The agency will be in constant communication with the country where you want to adopt from. Also, they will help you complete the necessary steps with the U.S Citizenship and immigration services.
  • Also, help you to complete your adoption home study or link you with an adoption professional to help you do that.
  • They will help you through the necessary post-adoption services.

In Conclusion:

I want to congratulate you on learning the easiest steps to succeed in your international adoption journey. Now you are no more afraid of where to start your journey from. Remember, you can’t walk the road alone, the adoption agencies are there to help you.

Also, remember that you have to wait for some time before the adoption process ends and you take your child home. Congratulations!


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